
Taekwondo and Chinese on Saturdays

Date:2022-10-02 Visits:1235

Dear Parents and Students

Please be reminded, our Saturday Taekwondo and Chinese classes will start from Saturday on Sept 24th.

Our Taekwondo program is in partnership with Canwest Taekwondo Academy, one of the most experienced World Taekwondo Federation Olympic style Taekwondo school in the lower mainland.

Chinese A - 9:00am to 10:20am;  Chinese B - 10:40am to 12:00noon.

Taekwondo A - 9:30am to 10:30am; Taekwondo B - 10:30am to 11:30am.

We have a few limited seats available. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible.

Thank you and wish to see you on Saturday!

E2 Education

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